I exhibited this piece at the National Arts Club in 2023. Gallery price was $3,000. Web direct from artist, $800.
I was also honored to display this piece at the Salmagundi Club. This work was in their 2022 Annual Photography Exhibition. I experimented with printing onto aluminum, and hoped the results would do justice to the subject, my friend Arthur and his collection of Richard Gallo art glass.

It was a pretty dark exposure to begin with, and I think the final result was equally as luminous as viewing it on a light-emitting monitor, the way you view the original photo at the top. Many thanks to Tribeca Printworks for really bringing out the light in the photo. Other artists in the exhibit—who took better photos to begin with—achieved much more spectacular results with their aluminum prints. I have much to learn!

The exhibit ran from July 18 to August 5. I want to thank my friends who came to see the exhibit, and especially my friend Brigitte, a wonderful photographer, who took this picture of me with my art: