One of the highlights of my visit to New York was going to the street where they filmed all those scenes of Carrie Bradshaw on her front stoop. Though her address was 245 E. 73rd Street (at Madison), they filmed the scenes of her front stoop in the village, at 64 and 66 Perry Street. This picture is of me on Perry Street, on my way for a run. I went past this address four times during my stay, and there were always one or two people out front taking each others’ pictures. I think this shows what a profound impact Sex and the City had on our cultural consciousness! Truly, New York was a main character of the show. I think the movies weren’t as great because they didn’t feature New York the way the TV show did. Even the episodes where they went to LA didn’t have quite the same appea
l. Though It was hilarious when Samantha met the LA dildo model.
In the spirit of the show, which I am currently re-watching to find references to restaurants and night clubs for my next visit, here is a picture of some fabulous shoes! I saw these in the White Room at the Bay, and I wanted them badly. But I contented myself with taking their picture—for now.
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