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Organizations for Wild Ceremony
- The School of Lost
Borders, founded by Steven Foster and Meredith Little, has been developing, teaching, and guiding questers in contemporary rites of passage ceremonies for over 30 years.
- The Wilderness Guides Council is a professional organization for wilderness guides that promotes the health of wilderness ecosystems and is committed to reintroducing meaningful rites of passage to modern culture.
- Wilderness Reflections offers wilderness quests in California and Utah.
Friends’ Web Pages
Fran Weinbaum has been guiding vision quests in Vermont since 1995 and uses this ceremony to strengthen community bonds. Her web site provides info about the contemporary vision quest.
- David Johnson is a Buddhist and ecopsychologist. In his web site he reflects on Buddhism, ecospirituality, ecopsychology, and coping with despair in the face of environmental damage and the impending peaking of oil production.
- John Harper is a web guy and spiritual adventurer. He’s an old friend from the Diamond Approach, and set up this site and blog. Thanks, John!
- Karen Rempel is the author, designer, and illustrator of this site. She is a technical writer and she can help you with your website too, whether you need someone to write new content or to edit and refresh your existing site materials.
Environmental Groups
Environmental Information and Resources
Spiritual Connections