Red hot summer

Munro's butterflySummer is here and it’s a hot one. At least in BC and the Pacific Northwestern states. I’ve previously written about the Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters of the wheel of the year, and now it’s time to take a look at summer.

Summer is in the south quarter of the wheel, and it is the time of childhood innocence, compassion, and strength. Red is the colour, and the entry Red wheel rolling gives you an idea of the playfulness of the south. It is the time when growth is lush and bountiful, and we get to kick back and relax, soaking up the warmth of the sun. Life is bursting everywhere, and the aliveness of this is one of the qualities that the south brings us.

Mouse is the animal of the south, and if you imagine things from a mouse’s point of view, life is very simple. We see what is in front of us, at ground level. Details, and the parts of the world that are very concrete and tangible.

Red can be seen in the rushing of the blood, whether through exercise or sensual pursuits, and indeed sexual energy is strong in the south part of the wheel. All of the sensual expressions and experiences of the body. Embodiment is what the south can teach us. Imagine the turning of the wheel from spring to summer as a time to bring your inspiration and spiritual awareness (the gifts of the east) into concrete, embodied form for your people.

Warm summer blessings!