Halloween 2018 was the fifth consecutive Halloween that I’ve spent in New York. Since I’ve always stayed in the Village, I’ve seen parts of the Halloween parade and vast numbers of revelers every year. It’s a time of year I love, and I have marched in the parade dressed as David Bowie once or twice.
This year, on Halloween night, I went to a Barre3 class with my friend Sally M. The class began at 7:45, and the parade began at 7:30. I was pretty sure that it would travel up from Canal to the studio location on Sixth Avenue at W. 8th Street during the class. Sure enough, about 5 minutes into the class, I saw a most shocking sight from the second-floor windows of the studio, overlooking both Sixth Avenue and W. 8th Street. The sidewalks were crowded with people, from the barricades at the curbs to the edges of the buildings. Literally wall-to-wall people, as far as the eye could see, along the aforementioned streets and Greenwich Avenue, which angles up at this intersection. This is itself was a fabulous sight, and of course many people in the crowd were dressed in costume. The three “naked” men in bathrobes particularly caught my eye. I guess they were having a spa day…

Suddenly, the fervor increased, and gigantic skeletons appeared in the clear-road parade route. There were 4 or 5 bone racks, but they were so enormous there seemed to be more. They were long-limbed, with the skulls appearing at the height of our second floor windows, and the akimbo arm bones seeming to reach all the way across the street. I have never seen such a menacing sight! Especially as they were walking with a jerky, jarring motion (with hidden people on stilts walking along and operating the limbs).
Next came glowing green skulls, and then all manner of floats and individual celebrants. The parade went on for the remainder of the class, which was unusually small due to the fact that most people were probably in the parade or watching it. (The parade was estimated to have 60,000 marchers and between 1 and 2 million spectators this year—an unbelievable and possibly exaggerated number. I didn’t count that many, but if every block along the route was packed like the West Village segment, maybe it’s possible.) In any case, I didn’t mind the small class size, and took every opportunity to peek out the windows at the parade below. The teacher had illuminated the room solely with 4 disco lights in the corners. It was the most surreal and amazing class ever. What a lucky event!
As always, there were people on both ends of the political spectrum expressing their views at the parade. This pair make a pretty convincing Trump and Pence, with a cowardly lion thrown in:
And on the other side, Edvard Munch’s “The Scream” has something to say!
From Brooklyn Vegan: “2018’s theme, ‘I AM a Robot,’ brought lots of robot and android-inspired costumes, but the biggest trend of the night was politics, with tons of people dressing up as Donald Trump, his wife Melania, Brett Kavanaugh, Vladimir Putin, and other political figures. Many carried signs urging people to vote in next week’s midterm elections, as well.”
After class was over, my friend Marlene joined Sally and me, and we watched the parade for at least 20 minutes more. I dressed in my Bowie costume, and then we went down to W. 8th Street to join the throngs, chased down the three men in bathrobes, and went for a drink and bite at Loring Place. A magical evening!