It’s a glorious spring day in Vancouver. Happy first day of spring, everyone! Though the blossoms have been on the trees for months, today spring is officially here, with a hazy blue sky, soft sunsine, pink and white blossoms, and tender new spring green life everywhere. There’s something about that fresh tender green of new leaves that infuses my soul with the same tenderness.
Thursday, running along the Trans-Canada Trail, I noticed this greenness all along the path, in the moss and ivy, salmonberry bushes with their bright pink blossoms, and green grass pushing up among the dried brown grass from last year. New life arising out of the remains of the old life. May these spring blessings infuse your soul with fresh life, optimism, and tenderness for all living creatures.
Yesterday I met with Angela James, the ChiRunning instructor who taught the workshop I attended in January. At the workshop we had talked about how well yoga would complement the ChiRunning, and yesterday we put together a ChiRunning and yoga retreat at Monkey Valley on July 23 – 25! The cost is $375, and includes delicious organic meals, camping accommodations, and instruction in both ChiRunning and yoga. Plus Angela will be providing healthful Rooibos tea. There will be lots of free time for walking through the woods, hanging out by the creek, and toasting marshmellows on the campfire in the evening. Angela is a lovely person, very energetic and positive to be around, and I know that everyone who’s around her feels uplifted by her energy. I think we’ll make a terrific team. I’ll be teaching the yoga portion, offering the yoga routine I’ve developed over the past eight years to complement and support my running! See here for more details.
Sad news about the Vancouver marathon. I’ve been sick for the past three weeks, which put a major crimp in my training schedule and caused me to miss a key long run. So I’ve had to bow down to the truth of my limitations, and scale back to the half-marathon on May 2. I don’t feel too discouraged, as I had that marvellous experience of going further than I’ve ever gone before in the 33 KM run I told you about. I still aim to do the full marathon one day, perhaps for my 50th birthday! Oh wow, that is so hard to believe, 50 is just six years away. But today I am feeling the spring energy bring a lightness to my spirit, so let’s all go out and soak in the sun and smell the elixir of spring in the air.